Meet Our Graduates



When Bentley first came to me he was having a lot of trouble adjusting to his new home. When it came to dogs, if Bentley saw them he would bite his leash, lunge, and bark/whine. His mom worked incredibly hard and followed Bentley’s behavior program. In just 4 months he has become a very well behaved dog ! Bentley is able to go for walks and even hang out on public with his dog friends!! Congratulations Bentley you earned it!



Congratulations Wishbone on passing basic obedience. When first meeting Wishbone, I was told he wasn’t very good with people or dogs . Today, I can say Wishbone can be around both people and dogs. Wishbone has really come out of his shell and has had good experiences in public places like cafes and dog friendly stores ! Go Wishbone!




Congratulations Winnie!!
You did an amazing job completing our basic obedience program. Winnie started with us as a young puppy and she has blossomed into an amazing dog ! Great job Winnie !



There’s a wild Olive on the loose ! We have been working hard on Olive’s reactivity regarding moving objects like bikes, runners, scooters, ect. Olive did incredibly well walking down boathouse row! Great Job Olive ! Congratulations Olive!


Future Graduates



Theo is a 10 month old Havanese! Theo is here to learn his big boy manners so that he may become a therapy dog! Go Theo !



Luna is a cocker spaniel mix . She is here to work on her big girl manners! We are going to be setting some boundaries for Ms. Luna! Luna enjoys going places with her grandma but, doesn’t always make the best choices. We are here to teach Luna how to be well behaved both inside and outside of her home.